Wednesday, December 22, 2010

UP AGAIN! Dreaming of Tusks?

What is with me? It's not like I went to Thailand for a week and am jetlagged. No, no it's not that. But for some reason, for the past week, I have been going to sleep some time in the morning (5, 6, or 7 am) at times that I normally was waking up. No amount of dietary, exercise, or sleep change has been able to effect it yet. I think I will try not sleeping all day this morning and see if I'm tired enough to sleep through the night tomorrow. (One night, I successfully got to bed around 10pm, but then woke up helplessly at 1 a.m. I couldn't get back to bed until around 7 a.m.)

Anyone have any good suggestions to get over non-jetlag jetlag?

In other news, I've decided that the best soundtrack to an insomniac's night is Fleetwood Mac on shuffle. That group can wail. I mean, I was never their number one fan, but for some reason, the chemicals being released in my brain at this time of night mix well with "Tusk," "Everywhere," and "Sara." Look them up. It's goooood (in a 500-days-of-summer-elevator-scene kind of way).

Monday, December 20, 2010

No Tartar Sauce

Okay people, I am home for Christmas, and I just cooked myself up some delicious fish. I wanted to enjoy it with some tartar sauce--something I thought would be standard fare in any refrigerator. I always love coming home because of the amount of food constantly available at the house. But,

Turns out at my house we have
* more than five bottles of fresh salsa bottles written entirely in Spanish,
* a couple bottles of Italian sauces written exclusively in Italian,
* a jar of capers (which admittedly I snacked on during my hunt),
* a couple jars of green olives,
* three bottles of horseradish sauce,
* a couple containers of lime and lemon juice, among other "normal" condiments.

No Tartar sauce.

What is this, the end of days?