Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jealousness and Nate Ruess lovin'

My ex-boyfriend is so cool. I'm kind of obsessed with male vocalists with really unique voices--in particular Nate Ruess. Nate Ruess started his music career in Arizona as a member of the successful band The Format. When the band broke up two years ago, Nate formed the band Fun. and is on tour right now with Jack's Mannequin (I swear pictures are forthcoming. Give me some time to recover.)

But Nate thinks he's too cool for school right now so he doesn't come out to take pictures with fans or sign autographs. But when he was an up-and-coming band member from Arizona, my little future ex-boyfriend, Bryce, was a little head banging high schooler in Arizona and got to meet him. Jealous. He sent it to me once, so I'm publishing it here and living vicariously through Bryce:

Bryce is the second from left, Nate is to his right.

Bryce and I went tubing in the Provo river this summer and my tube flipped over. I have naturally crazy wavy hair so when it dried (and the only warm thing I had in the car was Bryce's argyle sweater), Bryce told me I looked like Nate. What do you think?

But the best is that The Format had a professional photographer taking pictures at one of their Arizona concerts when Bryce was in high school (and I was probably on my mission or something) and Bryce got in the picture. Interestingly enough, another guy named Max, who whom Bryce did not yet know, got in the picture as well. Max and Bryce ended up being roommates at BYU after their missions and both realized they were photographed at the same concert together. Here it is:

Max is the one with the "what, you know I'm hot" look on his face in the front. Bryce is the 6 foot 4 under-age hottie way in the back right with his hand up in, what we as Texans refer to as the 'hook 'em horns sign.

Oh and p.s., if you want your ears to be stroked with the silky smooth sounds of Nate, touch here: The Format--Swans
(I'm so obsessed with this song that I work out to this. No joke. Running 8-minute miles to a love ballad.)


  1. I didn't know you read my blog. Fun. So sad that you missed him, it was awesome. :)

  2. You can run an 8-minute mile? How many do you do in a row?

  3. When I run 8-minute miles, I'm usually doing intervals. It's just funny to be running at any speed to anything that isn't set to rap music or '80s pop.

  4. Hey Sara! Didn't know you followed my blog! I love the look of yours!

    Hey, would you mind taking my last name off of your blog list? I try to keep as much information about me off of the internet! Thanks!
