Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rule 19 party indeed. New PILF Veep

So, I thought I would be running unopposed in the most recent Student Bar Association Election, so I did not plan any campaigning, nor did I write up a legitimate statement about myself. Instead, I am pitted against a professional advertising manager who wants to be the PR coordinator. This is was my "persuasive argument" for voting for me:

Election Haiku

Vote for Sara Payne
Her brains, beauty, charm and grace
Will be used next year

When she does PR
For all law shenanigans
Rule 19 Party

Yeah, I know. Compelling. Anyway, as a consolation, I attended the PILF meeting today with a co-worker so we could snag some free pizza. It ended up being a meeting to elect next year's board. I'm not even a PILF member, but I got suckered into running for VP of booksales...and won. Oops. I am not vice-president elect by default and the position I truly wanted may elude me. Cruel, cruel irony.

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