Thursday, November 26, 2009

How in the World Do I Choose?

I love Thanksgiving. There are so many things flooding my head for which I am grateful. For the purposes of this blog, though, I've narrowed it down to the top ten things I have been grateful for particularly this year.

10 Love—I am grateful that I fell in love this year. I am grateful for everything that love taught me. I’m grateful for the Lord helping me to have enough faith to step into the dark and give love a shot. I did. It was worth it. I cannot hardly wait to do it again.

9 Food—I love food, and I’m grateful I always had enough of it to eat. Especially Dibs and sushi.

8 Music—It heals the soul, it spices up life, it induces, I think, the strongest emotions that humans have. Music is like my best friend. Weird? Probably.

The Gambler

7 Warmth—Heat is always good. Except that one time in July, driving through Blythe, California with no air conditioning. Other than that, heat is great for tans, swimming, sports, cuddling, hot chocolate, and scrambled eggs. It also means I’m probably in Texas or close to it…or close to someone I love.

(Blythe, California. Dying. Melting ice cubes from the cooler on to our 200-degree bodies)

6 Health—I have overwhelmingly good health. I hope it stays that way. When I got crazy swine flu and bronchitis at the same time, it made me realize how wonderful good health is…and for that, a body. This year, I’m probably more aware of how much a blessing it is to have a body: all the things you can do with it. Big responsibility.

5 Meg Gallagher—Ok, so maybe our friendship is oddly defined (BFA?) and maybe we don’t spend all our time together, and maybe we have friends that we are closer to, but somehow Meg is the one who actually gets me in moments I need it the most. She is the only person I can talk to about certain things. It’s sad to think that soon the chapter in my life with her in it will soon be coming to a close.

4 Law School—As much as it seems like it’s been a burden, I love law school. I frequently walk the halls of the school and stand in awe of the fact that I am blessed to attend this school. I am so grateful for education, for learning a marketable skill, and learning alongside some of the greatest, most accomplished, and fun people I will probably ever meet.

3 Struggles—I am extremely grateful for the trials I have had to endure this year because they have made me stronger, softer, and more understanding. My dad told me during a particularly hard time on my mission: “We will always have trials. You will have this trial, Sara. The choice you have to make now is if you will allow it to help you grow.”

2 My strong family—They have helped me get through a lot of hard times, and this year in particular, I felt their love more than ever. I think I’m becoming more homesick the older I get.

1 Jesus Christ—For offering hope in everything I do, everything I am, everything I hope to become.

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