Friday, June 11, 2010

When To Hold and When To Fold

How much worth is it to invest everything in a friendship, at the expense of other relationships, money, sleep, and principles?

Doesn't Jesus say that it's the second great commandment--to love our neighbors as ourselves? So how can I best fulfill this commandment? Any answers? Hypothetically speaking of course.


  1. I have a big answer to this, but I don't have time to write it now cause I'm at work. But I will tell you later.

  2. I've thought a lot about this actually, cuz it seems like friendships are fleeting. I've lost a lot of friends to their "significant others."

  3. My roommate Nathaniel and I discussed this conflict extensively last semester. Oftentimes (esp. in dating) one chooses to deepen one or a few relationships at the expense of the breadth and depth of other friendships (not to mention other scarce resources such as sleep and pursuing other goals and money - if I had a dollar for every time I've prioritized a girl over those three, I could pay off a year of debt). To do so seems to violate agape, the type of neighborly love seemingly mandated in the second great commandment, in that net agape is thereby reduced. We have a speculation or two as to resolving the dilemma (e.g. investing in the spousal relationship seems from other prophetic sources to be a command sufficiently heavy to overcome the obligation imposed by the Second Great Commandment), but little more more.
