This is our ascent up to the alpine slide- the first time I had ever been on a ski lift and Bryce took advantage of the situation. Luckily I only freaked out when the camera wasn't looking.
haha. nervous laughter while Bryce pretends to push me off the lift.
this is my ridiculous face and this is bryce's "that. was. AWESOME!" face
Then on to the Alpine slide. I felt like the mother up there. When you get Brooks and Bryce together, you need to make sure there are no sharp, fast, or poisonous objects around. Otherwise be prepared for large hospital bills. The boys were disappointed when the ride didn't totally work them over. Luckily, Macy didn't take after her brothers. She sensitive and cool and took the ride at a reasonable pace...screaming the entire way down.
They made me go in the back because they said i would be the slowest. I may be twice their age, but that just means twice the fun, right? : )
We went back to the hotel and rode this thing:
It was so much fun, and it was free. Maybe it was fun BECAUSE it was free. In any case, I'm seriously tempted to just drive up to Park City every week so I can ride this fun little machine. I know I'm a dork.
Oh funny everyone told Bryce's parents how I was flipping out on the ski lift up to the Alpine slide. So the rest of the time, their parents were deeply concerned about me and how I felt when we got up on large ledges or rode ANYTHING. The first thing they'd ask when we got off-each time- was how I felt. It was so funny. Now it's the running joke in the family that I'm scared of heights. SO not true.
I'm only scared of heights when I'm swinging on an unenclosed surface with a man next to me pretending to push me off.
This man:
...with socks and birkenstocks:
Life is good.
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